Archive for March 3rd, 2010

Keeping secrets…

…isn’t exactly one of the best qualities of Tirion Fordring.

I think it’s quite funny, considering the final conversation in the lich king kill movie…

Tirion Fordring: You will not be forgotten, brother.

Bolvar Fordragon: I must be forgotten, Tirion! If the world is to live free from the tyranny of fear, they must never know what was done here today.

Tirion nods and accedes to Bolvar’s request, sliding the helm onto his head. The chamber begins to shake violently. There is a flash of light and Bolvar’s eyes are glowing golden yellow through the eye slits of the helm.

Bolvar Fordragon: Tell them only that the Lich King is dead.

Bolvar’s voice changes, acquiring the Lich King’s characteristic echo.

Bolvar Fordragon/Lich King: And that Bolvar Fordragon died with him!

…that Tirion not only thought telling it anyway was a great idea, but he went as far as putting up the entire bloody video footage of it next his statue in the center of Dalaran!

Does he want us to live in the tyranny of fear? I guess he does! Now I’m really glad he didn’t put the helmet on himself 🙂

Updating looks

I seriously wonder if my host puts little faults in the default themes on purpose, because I just can’t find one that’s really “good enough”. It could be that my definition of “good enough” is a bit high (I can be a bit of a perfectionist from time to time, but laziness usually stops me), but it would make sense on their side to get more people to pay for the hosting, in which case you can edit the stylesheets, font’s and what not.

Anyway, you might see me juggle with pre defined themes in the coming days. Don’t be scared 😉 ..My last one had a terrible font that made everything look like a wall of text. Links were not very visible either, quote blocks were just indented pieces of text. I did like the looks at first though, but readability comes first.

The current one (which will probably be different again when you read it) has much better readability, but now the headers are a bit small and the bulletpoints don’t indent (small things that annoy the crap out of me, hehe). It also looks too… I don’t know.. official.

Anyway, be prepared.. And don’t hesitate to give some tips if you know some wordpress hacks (excluding writing in html mode, I hate that).. Anyone out there? Ah well.. I’ll just pretend 😉

March 2010
